I saw this tag on YouTube and found it quite interesting. Seeing as I don't have a booktube channel I thought I would answer these questions in blog form.
1. A popular book or series that you didn't like
9. The saying goes "The book is always better than the movie", but what movies or T.V. show adaptation do you prefer more than the book?
Lord of the Rings....
Don't shoot me, I know it's a classic and beloved but I just found it so boring and I couldn't get into it. Even the movies aren't so great.
Don't shoot me, I know it's a classic and beloved but I just found it so boring and I couldn't get into it. Even the movies aren't so great.
2. A popular book or series that everyone seems to hate but you love
I looked on Goodreads and found the lowest rated book that I liked and that was Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger. I thought this book was really curious and I found the characters so unique. I wanted to get to know them and where they were headed. On the other hand it is a strange story and I can see why people may not enjoy it.
3. A love triangle where the main character ended up with the person you did NOT want them to end up with....
In The Husband's Secret by Lianne Moriarty one of the characters Tess ended up with the wrong man, I can understand why she chose that, but still I wanted her to go the other way.
4. A popular book genre that you hardly
Action/Adventure. I'm talking Matthew Reilly, Tom Clancy, Jeffery Archer. Not my cup of tea.
5. A popular or beloved character that you do not like.
Margo from Paper Towns by John Green. I came away from that book really disliking this character, so much so that it pretty much ruined the book for me. If you liked her then the book was great but I didn't like that the book revolved around this awful main character.
6. A popular author that you can't seem to get into?
Jane Austen... I know, I'm a bad reader, but I just can't relate to her characters at all. I've tried to read Pride and Prejudice so many times but I just can't relate.
7. A popular book trope that your tired of seeing.
Teenagers falling in love and knowing they've found "the one." Come on guys, you're teenagers, chances are that boy your dating isn't the love of your life!
8. A popular series that you have no interest in reading.
The Lunar Chronicles - I've heard good things about Cinder but when I read the blurb it just seemed 'meh' to me.

This one is easy... The Notebook. This movie is one of my favourites, it's such a rainy-day, sick in bed, comfort kind of movie. I could watch it again and again and love it every time. And because of this I had to read the book. But the book did not impress me in the slightest, I was very disappointed.
That's it from me for today,
Do you have any unpopular opinions? Let me know yours in the comments or link to your post/video covering this topic. I'm very curious to see what people thinking.
Happy Reading