Create the ultimate character face-off.
Pick two of your all-time favorite characters. They can be from the books you chose for the read-a-thon (or not — totally up to you).
Even though they are both your favorite, you HAVE to choose one as the winner. And tell me why.
Sell me on why this ONE character is your favorite character of ALL characters.
I found this quite hard because I generally have favourite stories rather than favourite characters. I also found that because I'm not much of a re-reader the specifics of many characters have faded into the background for me a little. But I did come up with two characters that I am particularly fond of, so here goes....
In the red corner is everyone's favourite heroine of the moment, she's become a of hope for many people and become an symbol for a revolution... it's Katniss Everdeen! (The Hunger Games Series by Suzanne Collins)

Whilst Katniss is unwillingly thrust into the role of mockingjay to fight for the cause, she lives up to the role she's been placed in. She does what needs to be done and does so with amazing style.
Skeeter on the other hand does something dangerous, because it's the right thing to do. She becomes a leader to a group of people that she doesn't belong to and as such is cast away from her own. The threat she faces is a real one and I admire the way she handled it without ever taking any credit for what she's done.
The winner? Skeeta. I love the fact Skeeter gives up everything when she doesn't have to, she's fighting not for people she loves or because she has to, but because it's what she believes is right.
I really have a thing for strong female characters, and there are many more that I could have included here... who are some of your favourite females?
Happy Reading
Great face-off! I'd choose Skeeter too, for the same reasons. Katniss fought because she couldn't see a way out, as it were, while Skeeter simply chooses to do right. She rocks just that little extra! ;-)